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4AP Intenzívny nosework tréning v Holíči

Kynologická hala Holíč, Holíč, SK

Veronika Lengyelová

We invite you to Holíč for a Nosework training session led by trainer Veronika Lengyelova from 4 Active Paws.

The Nosework training at 4 Active Paws is suitable for both beginners and experienced teams. We work with solid samples of cinnamon and orange peel. Gradually, your furry companion will learn to distinguish the target scent, which they will later search for and indicate in the field.

Training takes place in groups of 5 teams (1 team = 1 handler + 1 dog).

Training duration: 90 minutes per group.

You can sign up for the training either as an active training team with your dog or as an observer (without dog).

Participation fees:

  • Training team: €25

  • Observer: €6

The trainer provides the necessary equipment for the training.

Payment deadline: March 1, 2024.

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